Is your family…

Struggling to communicate without overreactions and arguments?

Stressed out, overwhelmed, and fighting all the time?

Trying to recover after a traumatic experience or loss?

Having trouble adapting to big transitions (e.g., divorce, adoption)?

Facing challenges at home related to addiction or mental illness?

Many people experience their greatest contentment within the safety and security of healthy family relationships. But no families are perfect. Given the impact of life’s demands on modern families alongside the developmental transitions that they confront together, it’s not uncommon to struggle at home.

Work-life imbalance, a family or mental health crisis, financial uncertainties, children with special needs, and even the ages/stages of children may present barriers to family connection that require professional support to overcome. Even the most resilient families occasionally need help to resolve thorny issues.

No matter what you’re up against, we’ll work with your family to understand and revise the patterns that keep you stuck, so you can find more joy and connection in your daily lives and interactions with one another.

We can help your family…

Reduce conflict and settle disputes more effectively

Strengthen empathic, effective communication

Deepen acceptance and emotional connection

Establish respect and emotional safety

Restore affection and playfulness