Are you…
Struggling with anxiety, depression, or feeling overwhelmed?
Finding it hard to connect with and express your feelings or needs?
Having difficulty building and holding on to close relationships?
Not moving forward in life because of a painful or traumatic past?
It’s time to do things differently. Seeking relief and getting help are not signs of weakness. In fact, distress is often a call for meaningful change–not an indicator of failure. It’s reassuring to know that it’s never too late to approach life more thoughtfully and creatively.
We’ll help you learn to connect and respond more effectively to your emotional experience. You’ll develop more tolerance for uncertainty and change. And you’ll begin to respond less reactively and more flexibly to the inevitable ups and downs in your life, work, and relationships.
Making meaningful changes to become a healthier, more resilient person will be uncomfortable at times. We happen to believe your well-being is worth it. We’ll provide the encouragement, warmth, humor, and candor you’ll need to keep going. You’ll receive the one-on-one support essential for accelerating your personal growth and quickly reaching the goals that are uniquely important to you.
When necessary, we may recommend a more intensive “wraparound” plan of services (e.g., a combination of groups, workshops, and other interventions) in addition to your individual therapy to address more complex concerns and shore up your support.
We can help you…
Cope more effectively with anxiety, stress, and worry
Let go of perfectionism, fear of failure, and self-judgment
Reduce depression, negativity, and harsh inner criticism
Deepen awareness of your feelings, needs, and values
Reduce conflict and build intimate, fulfilling relationships
Strengthen communication and self-assertiveness skills
Heal from trauma, neglect, or dysfunctional family experiences
Understand what you want from life and how to get there